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👩‍💻 React Native Expo Guide

The Gleap SDK for React Native Expo is the easiest way to integrate Gleap into your apps. Communicate with your users directly and build better software by discovering their everyday pain points. Gleap is your all-in-one customer feedback tool for apps and websites.

For the SDK to work, you need an API key, which you can get for free at

Supported platforms

✅ iOS✅ Android✴️ Web (see setup)

🏗 Installation

Install the Gleap ReactNative SDK through npm .

npm install react-native-gleapsdk --save

👷‍♂️ Initialize the SDK

Open your preferred development tool and add the following to your index.js.

import Gleap from 'react-native-gleapsdk';

After importing the Gleap SDK add the following line to your index.js. Please make sure that it gets executed only once.


You don't have an API key? Get one for free here.

🛠 Build your Expo application


Gleap won't work with Expo Go out of the box as Gleap requires native dependencies. Please use one of the following two methods to build and run your apps.

Expo build

Use expo prebuild or expo run:android/expo run:ios to update your native projects.

EAS Build

Use EAS Build to build your development client.


You are all set now! Run the app and report your first bug 🎉.

🚨 Troubleshooting Android


Google Play will soon require that apps target API level 31 or higher. This is be required for new apps from August 2022, and for updates to existing apps from November 2022.

If your project depends on API level 30 please add the following to the react-native-gleadpsdk build.gradle:

dependencies {
implementation "com.facebook.react:react-native:+"
implementation group: 'io.gleap', name: 'gleap-android-sdk', version: '14.2.0'

//add this
implementation( "androidx.appcompat:appcompat:1.3.0") {
force = true
implementation( "") {
force = true

🤝 Need help?

We are here to help, simply drop us an email at [email protected].