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πŸŽ₯ Replays

Replays for our JavaScript SDK allow you to record and replay users' interactions on the web. This is especially handy for bug reports, where you'd like to replay the last actions a user took before a bug occured.

Enable replays​

Replays can be activated by navigating to Project settings -> Developer options --> Enable πŸŽ₯ web replays. Simply activate the option and reload your web app.

Configuration options​

This document provides detailed information on the configuration options available for replays. You must set the replay options before Gleap.initialized("API_KEY"); gets called.

// Replay options go here.

Available options​

blockClass'gl-block'Use a string or RegExp to configure which elements should be blocked. Refer to the privacy chapter.
blockSelectornullUse a string to configure which selector should be blocked. Refer to the privacy chapter.
ignoreClass'gl-ignore'Use a string or RegExp to configure which elements should be ignored. Refer to the privacy chapter.
ignoreSelectornullUse a string to configure which selector should be ignored. Refer to the privacy chapter.
ignoreCSSAttributesnullArray of CSS attributes that should be ignored.
maskTextClass'gl-mask'Use a string or RegExp to configure which elements should be masked. Refer to the privacy chapter.
maskTextSelectornullUse a string to configure which selector should be masked. Refer to the privacy chapter.
maskAllInputsfalseMask all input content as *.
maskInputOptions{ password: true }Mask some kinds of input *. Refer to the list.
maskInputFn-Customize mask input content recording logic.
maskTextFn-Customize mask text content recording logic.
slimDOMOptions{}Remove unnecessary parts of the DOM.
dataURLOptions{}Canvas image format and quality. This parameter will be passed to the OffscreenCanvas.convertToBlob(). Using this parameter effectively reduces the size of the recorded data.
inlineStylesheettrueWhether to inline the stylesheet in the events.
hooks{}Hooks for events. Refer to the list.
packFn-Refer to the storage optimization recipe.
sampling-Refer to the storage optimization recipe.
recordCanvasfalseWhether to record the canvas element. Available options: false, true.
recordCrossOriginIframesfalseWhether to record cross origin iframes. rrweb (see the docs below) has to be injected in each child iframe for this to work. Available options: false, true.
recordAfter'load'If the document is not ready, then the recorder will start recording after the specified event is fired. Available options: DOMContentLoaded, load.
inlineImagesfalseWhether to record the image content.
collectFontsfalseWhether to collect fonts in the website.
userTriggeredOnInputfalseWhether to add userTriggered on input events that indicates if this event was triggered directly by the user or not. What is userTriggered?
plugins[]Load plugins to provide extended record functions. What are plugins?

Storage Optimization Recipe​

Use the sampling config in the recording can reduce the storage size by dropping some events:

Block DOM element​

Some DOM elements may emit lots of events, and some of them may not be the thing user cares about. So you can use the block class to ignore these kinds of elements.

Some common patterns may emit lots of events are:

  • long list
  • complex SVG
  • element with JS controlled animation
  • canvas animations


sampling: {
// do not record mouse movement
mousemove: false,
// do not record mouse interaction
mouseInteraction: false,
// set the interval of scrolling event
scroll: 150,
// set the interval of media interaction event
media: 800,
// set the timing of record input
input: 'last' // When input mulitple characters, only record the final input
sampling: {
// Configure which kins of mouse interaction should be recorded
mouseInteraction: {
MouseUp: false,
MouseDown: false,
Click: false,
ContextMenu: false,
DblClick: false,
Focus: false,
Blur: false,
TouchStart: false,
TouchEnd: false,

Recording canvas​

Canvas is a special HTML element, and will not be recorded by replays by default. There are some options for recording and replaying Canvas.

Enable recording Canvas:

recordCanvas: true,
sampling: {
canvas: 15,
// optional image format settings
dataURLOptions: {
type: 'image/webp',
quality: 0.6,

Cross origin iframes​

To facilitate the replay functionality for cross-origin iframes, some extra configurations are required. Gleap employs rrweb for capturing the replay sessions. For a comprehensive guide on configuring iframes for this purpose, please refer to the following documentation: rrweb Cross-Origin Iframes Setup.


By default, replays will already mask secure text input fields. You can also flag other fields or even complete blocks to be masked.

Mask text fields​

Simply add the class gl-mask to the textfield, and Gleap replays will mask the input.

Mask blocks​

Simply add the class gl-block to the elements you want to block. Replays will add a blank placeholder with the dimensions of the blocked element. This is especially handy to mask privacy sensitive blocks.

Mask input options​

export type MaskInputOptions = Partial<{
color: boolean;
date: boolean;
'datetime-local': boolean;
email: boolean;
month: boolean;
number: boolean;
range: boolean;
search: boolean;
tel: boolean;
text: boolean;
time: boolean;
url: boolean;
week: boolean;
// unify textarea and select element with text input
textarea: boolean;
select: boolean;
password: boolean;